Affectionately known as the Little Mermaid, this Disney Princess of the Sea and star of the 1989 movie is known for her long flowing red hair and adventurous ways. Daughter of King Triton, the mischievous Ariel always tested the boundaries of right and wrong, with her well-intentioned friends Sebastian and Flounder. With the wicked Ursula on her tail, having stolen her magical singing voice, it will take more than a dinglehopper at the bottom of the ocean, to find her Prince Eric.
- Flounder the fish handbag with attached strap and plastic piped edging
- Handbag is designed in her friend Flounder's shape
- The bag has a pouch with zipper compartment at rear for carrying small items and is 16cm from base to top of bag including the strap
- Ultimate Princess dress, shoes and tiara sold separately
- This is an officially licensed Disney product